Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Joys of Unfiltered Conversation

     In the past few months I  have been blessed with the joy of unfiltered conversation.  It is a wondrously freeing experience, and I am also enjoying being an unfiltered listener.  There is a great deal of truth and trust in communicating the little nagging thoughts that are on your mind--many of those noisy worries that rattle around your mind are totally unnecessary.  Its all a part of my new mission to trust my gut, reconnect with my instincts, and avoid drama.  I don't know when or why I started doubting my gut.  I realized this year that my instincts are pretty awesome, and a tool I should embrace!!!!  I simply do not have the energy to try and read everyone minds anymore.  I was wasting so much time predicting and planning for issues that existed only in my head...and I don't have that to spare any more.  If you tell me you feel "x"...then you do...because you said so--case closed. 

     I used to tiptoe around others with my wonder-ings, and dwell and obsess on them in my own mind.  I would push down my gut response, and brush away those little kind fairies that tried to whisper guidance in my ears.  I would literally make things harder than they ever had to be!  Now I just speak what is on my mind.  What is even more amazing about when you start speaking your real internal thoughts to people...they tell you theirs too!!!!  I know!!! Who knew this was possible!  Open, honest communication without boundaries, or secret code words.  Real, pure, effective connection that actually brings us closer.

For instance a conversation that could be so totally complex and possibly span 4 days would now go as follows:

ME: "Is something off with us?"
THEM: "What do you mean, everything is fine"
ME: "That's great to hear. I must just feel nervous because everything else is going wrong.  Glad I checked in"

Done...simple...connected communication between 2 people being truthful, and trusting in the purity of what they are hearing.   Nothing more needs to be said because they believe and trust each other.  Because there is no reason or precedent not to.  Because they agreed to be honest with each other and refused to segregate their thoughts from their words

This, is a truly beautiful thing!  It works at work, the grocery store, you name it....try it.
Say what you mean, and mean what you say--its an amazing experience

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